
I take 900 pills each day. Get 900 antibiotics dripped into me each day. Apply 900 creams and ointments to my body. Get 900 examinations a day by doctors and nurses. They all ask the same 900 questions. They take my vitals and weigh me 900 times.

Okay. I might have embellished the numbers. But you get the idea. It “feels” like 900 times.

Here is what is new with me.

– After three weeks, more or less in bed most of the time, I feel a little weak on my feet. I am getting a physical therapist and an occupational therapist.

– My blood counts are all still very low. In fact I am getting two more units of red blood cells today due to an excessively low hemoglobin count. There is a chance I will need platelets tomorrow. I am so ready to be independent on the this blood thing. Come on bone marrow!

– If everything goes as expected I could be discharged from the hospital on May 1st. That would be wonderful. Of course this all hinges on my bone marrow responding correctly to the treatment.

– Lastly, my hair around my hairline comes out by the fistful with great ease. You know, aside from the smoking, I always thought Yul Brynner was way cool 🙂